10 scriptures that offer comfort when you’re feeling lonely

Feeling lonely? We’ve all been there. Sometimes, it feels like you’re all alone with no one to turn to. But, you’re never really alone.

Ever thought about turning to the Bible for comfort? It’s like a friend that’s always there for you, no matter what.

So, find a comfy spot. We’re about to check out ten Bible verses that can help when you’re feeling lonely.

These verses are like little reminders that you’re not alone, even when it feels like it.

Whether something has happened, or it just seems like one of those blue days, these scriptures are here for you.

Deuteronomy 31:6

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Loneliness can sometimes make us feel weak and scared. But here’s some good news: this verse from Deuteronomy tells us to be strong and brave.

Why? Because God is always with us. He will never abandon us.

So next time you’re feeling alone, remember these words. They’re a comforting reminder that we’re never truly alone, even when it feels like it.

Psalm 23:4

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”

Life can sometimes feel like a dark valley, especially when we’re feeling lonely.

But this verse from Psalm 23 is a beacon of hope. It tells us that even in our darkest moments, we have nothing to fear. God is walking right beside us, guiding and comforting us along the way.

So take heart! You’re not alone in your loneliness. God is there with you, offering comfort and guidance.

Isaiah 41:10

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

This verse from Isaiah holds a special place in my heart. There was a time when I felt incredibly alone. It was after a big move for a new job. I was in a new city, knew no one, and felt completely out of my depth. The loneliness was suffocating.

One night, as I was scrolling through my phone, I stumbled upon this verse. It felt like it was speaking directly to me. It reminded me that even though I felt alone in that new city, God was there with me. He was there to give me strength and support, to help me navigate this new chapter in my life.

Ever since then, whenever loneliness tries to creep in, I read this verse. It’s a powerful reminder that no matter how alone we might feel, we’re never truly alone. God is always there with us, ready to strengthen and uphold us.

Matthew 28:20

“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

This verse is part of what’s known as the Great Commission, Jesus’ final instructions to his disciples. It’s a promise that he will be with them always, until the end of time.

Now, here’s an interesting tidbit: The original Greek word used for “always” in this verse is “pantote,” which literally translates to “every when.” So Jesus isn’t just saying he’ll be with us every day or most of the time. He’s saying he will be with us at every moment, in every situation, at all times.

This comforting promise extends to us today. In moments of loneliness, it can be a powerful reminder that we’re never truly alone. Jesus promised to be with us at all times – during our highs, our lows, and everything in between.

Psalm 27:10

“Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.”

Life is a journey, and sometimes, it can feel like we’re walking that journey alone. It’s in these moments of loneliness that this verse from Psalm 27 can provide much-needed comfort. It’s a powerful declaration of unconditional love and acceptance.

This verse speaks to our deepest fears of abandonment and assures us that even if those closest to us leave us, we are not alone. The Lord will receive us. He will accept us, love us, and be there for us no matter what.

This isn’t just a comforting thought – it’s a promise. A promise that no matter how lonely we might feel, we are never alone.

So, next time you’re feeling lonely, remember this verse. It’s a heartfelt reminder of the constant companionship and unconditional love that God offers to each one of us.

John 14:18

“I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.”

This verse from John carries a lot of personal meaning for me. Growing up, I often felt like an outsider. I remember sitting alone at lunch, feeling like I didn’t belong anywhere.

One day, while feeling particularly low, I came across this verse, and it struck a chord. The words “I will not leave you as orphans” resonated deeply with me. It was a reminder that even if I felt alone and out of place in the world, I wasn’t truly alone.

This verse gave me solace during some of my loneliest times and continues to do so. It’s a beautiful reminder that God is there for us, ready to come to our aid when we feel alone. It’s like a divine promise that no matter how isolated we may feel, we are never truly alone.

Psalm 34:18

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

Let’s be real, loneliness sucks. It’s painful, it’s raw, and it can feel like you’re the only person in the world who’s experiencing it. But here’s the thing: you’re not alone in your loneliness.

This verse from Psalm 34 hits right at the heart of that raw, brutal feeling of loneliness. It tells us that when our hearts are breaking and our spirits are low, that’s when God is the closest to us.

It’s a stunningly honest verse. It doesn’t sugarcoat the pain we feel. Instead, it offers a lifeline in those moments when we feel like we’re drowning in loneliness. It promises us that God is near, that He sees our pain, and that He’s here to save us from it.

So next time you’re feeling lonely and everything just sucks, remember this verse. You’re not alone; God is right there with you, closer than ever.

Isaiah 43:2

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.”

Life can get messy, and loneliness can feel like a raging storm inside us. But this verse from Isaiah doesn’t shy away from acknowledging that. It doesn’t promise us an easy, pain-free life. Instead, it promises us that no matter what we go through – raging waters or burning fires – we won’t go through it alone.

This verse is raw, honest, and incredibly comforting in its candor. It tells us that yes, life can be hard and yes, we might feel lonely. But through it all, God is there with us. He’s there in the storm, in the fire, in every difficult moment we face.

Psalm 147:3

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

There’s no two ways about it: Loneliness hurts. It’s like a wound that just won’t heal. But this verse from Psalm 147 tells us something incredibly beautiful: God is our Healer.

This verse doesn’t gloss over the pain of loneliness. It acknowledges that our hearts are broken and that we’re wounded. But it also assures us that God sees our pain and has the power to heal us.

God isn’t just a distant observer of our pain; He’s an active participant in our healing. He’s there to mend our broken hearts and bind up our wounds. So even in the raw pain of loneliness, remember this: you’re not alone, and healing is possible.

1 Peter 5:7

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.”

Let’s face it: Loneliness can be anxiety-inducing. It can fill us with worry and unease. But this verse from 1 Peter gives us a simple, straightforward solution: give it all to God.

It’s a refreshingly honest verse. It doesn’t tell us to hide our loneliness or pretend it’s not there. Instead, it urges us to hand over our worries to God, because He cares for us.

So next time loneliness starts to weigh you down, remember this verse. Give your worries to God. He cares for you more than you can imagine, and you’re never alone in your struggles.

Elizabeth Carter

Elizabeth Carter

I'm Elizabeth Carter, the heart behind Biblescripture.net. I’m a theology graduate from Boston College who found her calling in making the Bible's wisdom vibrant and accessible. Alongside my studies, I cultivated a love for peaceful morning walks and deep conversations about faith over coffee. Every day, I'm here to walk with you through scripture, making its teachings not just accessible, but a vibrant part of your daily life. Join me in discovering how these ancient words can transform us in the most beautiful ways.

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