7 common mistakes to avoid when interpreting biblical texts

Interpreting biblical texts can feel like navigating through a maze sometimes.

You’re trying your best to understand every intricate detail, you’re striving to decode its profound layers, yet somehow, it just doesn’t seem to add up.

Often, it’s not even about grand theological debates or complex historical contexts.

Sometimes, it’s just a sense that you might be missing something crucial in your interpretation. Even though your gut feeling, intellect, or even faith might disagree with this notion.

In this article, I’ll decode 7 common missteps and provide some guidance to help you enhance your scriptural studies.

With careful consideration and application of the advice presented, you’ll be better equipped to extract the true wisdom embedded in these ancient texts.

Why accurate biblical interpretation is important?

First, let me explain the importance of accurate interpretation of biblical texts which is essential for fostering a deeper understanding of your faith.

As scripture holds the teachings and wisdom of our spiritual guides, it becomes our duty to ensure we interpret it correctly.

Misinterpretation can lead to confusion, misleading conclusions, and a distorted view of the teachings.

The Bible, being a complex compilation of books written over thousands of years, requires careful and thoughtful study. The language, cultural context, and historical period in which it was written all play a crucial role in its interpretation.

Moreover, each book within the Bible has its own unique style and purpose.

Avoiding common mistakes while interpreting biblical texts can significantly enhance your scriptural studies. It helps in extracting the true wisdom embedded in these texts and promotes a more profound connection with your faith.

Now, let’s reveal some common missteps one needs to avoid.

1. Ignoring the historical context

Let’s face it:

Many of us fall into the trap of interpreting these ancient texts through the lens of our modern-day perspectives.

But when we overlook the historical and cultural context, we miss out on the richness and depth that give these texts their true meaning.

The thing is that the Bible was not penned in a vacuum — it was written in specific times and places, influenced by the cultures, politics, and societal norms of those periods.

As a result, each book of the Bible carries the imprint of its time.

Understanding the historical context can help make sense of certain phrases, rituals, and laws that might seem odd or even contradictory to a modern reader.

For example, understanding the socio-political landscape during the time of Jesus provides a richer understanding of His teachings and parables.

But if you neglect this crucial aspect, it can potentially lead to an inaccurate or skewed interpretation of the text.

Pro tip: When studying scripture, take time to research and understand the historical background. It can shed invaluable light on the text’s true meaning and significance.

2. Literal interpretation of metaphoric language

Another common mistake is interpreting metaphoric language in the Bible literally.

The Bible is rich in symbolic language, metaphors, similes, parables, and allegories.

These literary devices were often used to convey complex spiritual truths in a relatable manner to the people of those times.

For instance, when Jesus says “I am the vine, you are the branches” in John 15:5, He did not mean it in a literal sense. Rather, it’s a metaphorical expression of our spiritual connection to Him.

Misunderstanding such metaphorical language leads to confusion and can drastically alter the intended message of the text.

Therefore, while reading scripture, be aware of these literary tools and take time to understand their symbolic implications.

Only then can you truly grasp the depth and richness of biblical teachings.

3. Isolating verses from their context

Next, we encounter the issue of isolating verses from their context.

This is where we often stumble, and I’m sure many of us can relate.

When we select a verse or passage and interpret it independently, without considering its surrounding content, we can easily miss the bigger picture.

For instance, if we read a verse about God’s wrath without understanding the preceding or following verses that provide context, we might form an incomplete or skewed perception of God’s character.

But guess what?

Biblical teachings are interconnected and often build upon each other. Hence, it’s essential to understand the context of the entire chapter or book in which a particular verse is found.

This approach allows for a more holistic understanding and prevents misinterpretation that can arise from reading verses in isolation.

4. Applying modern cultural norms

Have you ever found yourself judging biblical characters or events based on today’s societal norms?

Well, this is another common mistake that we often make when interpreting biblical texts.

The societal norms, customs, and laws during biblical times were vastly different from those of our modern society. Applying our contemporary perspectives to these ancient texts can lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretations.

Back then, the role and treatment of women in biblical times were largely dictated by the patriarchal societies of those eras.

Therefore, judging those contexts with a modern feminist lens could result in skewed interpretations and unnecessary criticism.

So, here’s the thing:

When interpreting scripture, it’s essential to put aside our modern biases and understand the text within its original cultural context.

Insight: Even the original languages of the Bible – Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek – have cultural nuances that are often lost in translation to modern languages.

5. Overlooking the genre of the book

Just as we approach a science textbook differently from a poetry anthology, we should also consider the genre of a particular book in the Bible during our studies.

But you’re not the only one who might overlook the genre while reading biblical passages.

I have to admit; I once spent weeks wrestling with a passage, trying to apply it literally to my life.

It was a poetic segment, rich in metaphor and imagery, yet there I was, attempting to fit its vibrant expressions into the rigid boxes of my everyday reality.

The moment of realization came during a discussion with a more seasoned reader of biblical texts.

They pointed out that I was treating poetry as if it were historical narrative. It was like trying to read a love letter as a legal document.

This mistake taught me the importance of recognizing the genre of the text I’m engaging with.

Poetry, prophecy, wisdom literature, epistles—they all communicate truth, but in vastly different ways.

Here are specific genres found in the Bible:

  • Law
  • History
  • Wisdom Literature
  • Poetry
  • Prophecy
  • Apocalyptic Literature
  • Gospels
  • Letters/Epistles

Understanding the genre can provide valuable insights into the author’s intent and the message they want to convey.

6. Ignoring the original language

How often have you considered the original languages of the Bible when studying scripture?

If you’re like most believers, probably not as often as you should.

But yet, you know that the Bible wasn’t originally written in English or any other modern language. It was penned in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.

I can’t stress enough how important it is to consider these original languages.

Why, you may ask?

Because each language has its unique linguistic nuances that can get lost in translation.

For example, the Greek language has multiple words for love, each with its distinct meaning.

However, in English, all these different forms are translated into one word – ‘love’. This can lead to oversimplification and loss of depth in understanding the text.

While we may not all become scholars fluent in these ancient languages, consulting reliable resources or biblical commentaries that delve into the original languages can be immensely helpful in getting a more accurate understanding of scripture.

7. Relying solely on personal interpretation

Have you ever found a verse that seemed to speak directly to your current situation?

It’s a powerful experience, but there’s a catch:

We must be mindful not to rely solely on personal interpretation when studying the Bible.

While the Holy Spirit can indeed illuminate our understanding, we’re all still human with our biases and perspectives.

Our personal experiences and emotions can sometimes cloud our understanding and lead us to interpret scripture in ways that align with our desires rather than its intended message.

I’ve experienced this myself when going through challenging times. Yes, I found myself interpreting certain verses in ways that provided temporary comfort but weren’t necessarily accurate to the text’s original intent.

To avoid this, it’s helpful to study with a community, consult commentaries, and seek insight from trusted spiritual leaders.

Trust me, this can provide a more balanced interpretation and safeguard against misinterpretations stemming from personal biases.

Stepping forward in your biblical studies

If you’ve seen yourself in any of these common mistakes, take heart—you’re on a path of growth and deeper understanding.

Embracing the complexity of biblical texts with humility and openness transforms our reading into a journey of discovery.

It’s about moving beyond mere surface interpretations to engage with the scriptures in a way that is both intellectually rigorous and spiritually enriching.

After all, recognizing these tendencies is the first step toward change.

So, let this awareness inspire you to approach biblical interpretation with a renewed sense of curiosity and respect for its depths.

Dive into the historical context, consider the original audience, and explore the original languages, even if just through reliable secondary sources.

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Mikkel Andrews

Mikkel Andrews

I'm Mikkel Andrews a theology professor currently based in Philippines. I've been walking with Christ ever since I can remember. My life's work is about understanding His teachings and sharing that knowledge. You'll often find me involved in community outreach or curled up with a book on theology, always looking to deepen my faith. When I'm not volunteering or diving into the latest theological texts, I'm writing for Bible Scripture to make spirituality relatable.

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