8 signs you have higher self-esteem than the average person, according to psychology

There’s a world of difference between having a healthy self-esteem and being overly confident. The line is often blurred.

Self-esteem, in simple terms, is your opinion of yourself and your abilities. It’s not about being the loudest in the room or the one with the most achievements.

It’s more about recognizing your self-worth and maintaining a positive outlook, even when things don’t go your way.

Psychology tells us that people with high self-esteem exhibit certain signs that set them apart. And guess what? It’s not always what you’d expect.

Here are eight signs that you might have higher self-esteem than the average person, according to psychology.

1) You don’t seek validation

Having high self-esteem doesn’t mean you’re immune to self-doubt or criticism. It simply means you don’t let these things define your sense of self-worth.

People with high self-esteem understand that they can’t please everyone and they don’t try to. They value their own opinion above those of others.

It’s not about being stubborn or dismissive of feedback. It’s about understanding your worth and not seeking validation from outside sources.

You’re comfortable in your own skin and don’t need others to affirm your value.

According to psychology, this is a clear sign of higher than average self-esteem. So if you’re someone who doesn’t seek validation, you might just have higher self-esteem than you think.

2) Failure doesn’t break you

I remember when I first attempted to learn the guitar. My fingers hurt, my chords sounded off, and honestly, I was a bit of a mess. But did that stop me? Not at all.

People with high self-esteem, like myself in this instance, don’t view failure as a brick wall. Instead, they see it as a stepping stone towards success. We understand that failure is simply part of the process and it’s not a reflection of our worth or abilities.

This mindset allows us to approach challenges with optimism and resilience, even in the face of adversity.

If you’ve ever faced failure head-on and came out stronger on the other side, you’ve demonstrated a key sign of having higher self-esteem than the average person.

3) Comfortable with saying “No”

Assertiveness is often associated with high self-esteem. It’s about setting boundaries and prioritizing your own needs.

Here’s something you might not know: the word “No” is one of the first words we learn as children. However, as we grow, societal pressure and the fear of offending others can make it harder to say.

People with high self-esteem have mastered the art of saying “No” when necessary. They understand that it’s not about being selfish or rude, but about respecting their own time, energy, and mental health.

If you find it easy to stand your ground and say “No” when needed, you’re likely operating with higher than average self-esteem.

4) You don’t compare yourself to others

In today’s age of social media, it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves with others. People with high self-esteem, however, understand that comparison is the thief of joy.

They’re comfortable and confident in their own journey and don’t feel the need to measure their progress against that of others. They understand that everyone is unique, and everyone’s path is different.

Instead of getting caught up in what others are doing, they focus on their own growth and achievements.

If you find yourself content with your own path, without the need for comparison, you’re showcasing a clear sign of high self-esteem.

5) You forgive yourself

We’re all human, and we all make mistakes. It’s part of life. But it’s how we react to those mistakes that truly defines us.

People with high self-esteem understand that self-forgiveness is a crucial part of self-love. They acknowledge their missteps, learn from them, and then let them go.

They don’t harbor self-blame or dwell on past mistakes. Instead, they extend compassion and forgiveness towards themselves, just as they would to a loved one.

If you can relate to this, if you treat yourself with kindness even when you stumble, then you’re displaying a beautiful sign of high self-esteem.

6) You embrace change

When I was younger, I used to dread change. Moving to a new city, starting a new job, even trying a new hairstyle – it all seemed so daunting. But as I grew and my self-esteem strengthened, I began to view change as an exciting opportunity for growth.

People with high self-esteem, like the person I’ve become, tend to embrace change rather than resist it. We understand that life is a series of evolutions and that stepping out of our comfort zone is the pathway to growth.

If you’re someone who welcomes change with open arms and sees it as a chance to learn and evolve, then you’re showing a sign of higher self-esteem than the average person.

7) You celebrate others’ success

It’s easy to feel a pang of envy when someone else achieves something you desire. But people with high self-esteem are able to genuinely celebrate the success of others.

They don’t view life as a competition but rather as a collective journey. They understand that another person’s success doesn’t diminish their own achievements or potential.

If you can truly be happy for others when they succeed and use their triumphs as motivation rather than a source of envy, you’re demonstrating a clear sign of high self-esteem.

8) Self-love is your priority

At the end of the day, high self-esteem boils down to one key factor: self-love. It’s about valuing yourself, caring for your mental, emotional, and physical well-being, and not settling for less than you deserve.

People with high self-esteem prioritize self-love. They understand that they cannot pour from an empty cup and that it’s not selfish to focus on their own needs and desires.

If you prioritize self-love and make it a daily practice, you’re not only nurturing your self-esteem but also setting a strong foundation for all other areas of your life.

Final thoughts

Psychologist Abraham Maslow, in his hierarchy of needs, placed self-esteem just below self-actualization. He saw it as an essential aspect of reaching our full potential.

High self-esteem isn’t about thinking we’re perfect or better than others. It’s about acknowledging our worth, embracing our strengths and weaknesses, and loving ourselves unconditionally.

Whether you resonated with all eight signs or just a few, remember that building self-esteem is a journey, not a destination. Every step you take towards self-love and acceptance is a step towards higher self-esteem.

So, keep going. Celebrate your progress. And most importantly, remember: You are enough, just as you are.

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Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.

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