9 habits of highly effective Christians


Being a Christian isn’t just about going to church on Sundays. It’s about living a life that reflects your faith and beliefs every single day.

Being an effective Christian, one who positively influences others, takes a certain set of habits. These habits allow you to consistently walk in faith, and inspire those around you to do the same.

This isn’t about trying to convert other people or judging anyone. It’s about living a life that’s true to your faith, and leading by example.

Here are nine habits that highly effective Christians tend to have. These aren’t rules or commandments, just observations I’ve made over the years. Dive in and see what resonates with you.

1) Daily devotion

Being a Christian isn’t just about showing up to church on Sunday. It’s about living out your faith every day.

Many highly effective Christians make it a habit to spend time each day in devotion. This typically involves reading the Bible, praying, and reflecting on how to live out their faith in their daily lives.

Devotion time can look different for everyone. Some people might spend an hour each morning in quiet reflection, while others might read a quick devotional on their lunch break.

The key is to make it a consistent practice. It’s a way to keep your faith at the forefront of your mind, and to continually seek guidance from God.

By having daily devotion, you’re demonstrating your commitment to your faith. You’re showing that being a Christian is more than just a title – it’s a way of life.

Just remember, this isn’t about trying to show off or prove how holy you are. It’s about building a strong relationship with God and seeking His guidance in all areas of your life.

2) Seeking forgiveness

We all make mistakes. It’s a part of being human. But as a Christian, it’s important to acknowledge these mistakes and seek forgiveness.

I remember a time when I had a falling out with a dear friend. Our dispute was over something trivial, but it escalated to the point where we stopped speaking to each other.

As days turned into weeks, the weight of that unresolved issue started to burden me. As a Christian, I knew I had to take the first step towards reconciliation.

I reached out to her, admitted my mistakes, and asked for forgiveness. It wasn’t easy, but it was necessary. To my relief, she forgave me and we were able to mend our relationship.

Seeking forgiveness isn’t just about making things right with others. It’s also about maintaining a clear conscience and peace in your heart. It’s about being honest with yourself, with others, and with God.

This habit allows us to reflect Christ’s love and humility in our lives, and it’s something that all highly effective Christians strive for.

3) Serving others

In the New Testament, Jesus washed the feet of his disciples – a task typically reserved for the lowest of servants. This act demonstrated an incredible level of humility and service, setting an example for all Christians to follow.

Highly effective Christians make it a habit to serve others, not out of obligation, but out of love. This can take many forms, from volunteering at a local charity to simply lending a listening ear to a friend in need.

Serving others isn’t just about doing good deeds. It’s about showing God’s love in tangible ways. It’s about putting others’ needs before your own, just as Jesus did.

True service is selfless and seeks nothing in return. It’s a powerful way to influence others without even saying a word.

4) Practicing gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful habit that can transform not just your faith, but also your outlook on life.

Highly effective Christians make it a point to regularly express gratitude. This can be thanking God for His blessings, acknowledging the good in others, or appreciating the simple joys of life.

This habit goes beyond just saying “thank you”. It’s about fostering a mindset of contentment and positivity, regardless of your circumstances.

When you practice gratitude, you’re not only seeing the good in your life, but you’re also acknowledging God’s presence and work in it. This can lead to a deeper faith and a more joyful life.

Remember, gratitude isn’t just for the good times. Even in the midst of challenges, there’s always something to be grateful for.

5) Regular fellowship

Being a Christian isn’t a solo journey. It’s about being a part of a community and forging deep connections with fellow believers.

Highly effective Christians understand the value of regular fellowship. They actively participate in church activities, small group meetings, or online faith communities.

Regular fellowship provides a platform for mutual encouragement, learning, prayer, and support. It’s an opportunity to grow together in faith.

Remember, Christianity is about relationships – your relationship with God and your relationships with others. By investing time in regular fellowship, you are nurturing these relationships and strengthening your faith community.

6) Showing unconditional love

One of the most beautiful aspects of Christianity is the concept of unconditional love. God loves us without conditions, and as followers of Christ, we are called to do the same.

Highly effective Christians make it a habit to show unconditional love to others. This means loving people not for who they could be or should be, but for who they are right now.

Unconditional love doesn’t mean you agree with everything someone does, or that you allow people to treat you poorly. It means you choose to love them despite their flaws and mistakes.

Showing unconditional love can be challenging, especially when dealing with difficult individuals. But remember, it’s not about them. It’s about reflecting God’s love to the world.

When you choose to show unconditional love, you’re choosing to see people as God sees them. You’re choosing to have a heart full of grace and compassion. And that is a powerful testament of your faith.

7) Embracing humility

Humility is a cornerstone of the Christian faith. It’s about recognizing our limitations, admitting our mistakes, and understanding that we’re all works in progress.

Years ago, I held a leadership position in a community project. One day, a team member pointed out a mistake I had made in our plans. Instead of accepting the feedback, I let my pride get in the way. I defended my actions and dismissed their concerns.

The project suffered as a result and it took a toll on the team’s morale. It was a hard lesson, but it taught me the importance of humility.

Highly effective Christians understand that humility doesn’t mean thinking less of yourself; it means thinking of yourself less. It’s about putting the needs of others before your own and acknowledging that you don’t have all the answers.

Embracing humility allows us to learn, grow, and become better versions of ourselves. It also reflects Christ’s teachings and sets a good example for those around us.

8) Investing in personal growth

Growing in faith is a journey, not a destination. Just like any relationship, your relationship with God needs to be nurtured and developed.

Highly effective Christians make it a habit to invest in their personal growth. This can involve reading spiritual books, attending workshops or retreats, or seeking guidance from spiritual mentors.

Investing in personal growth isn’t about becoming a perfect Christian. It’s about becoming a better version of yourself and deepening your relationship with God.

Remember, personal growth in faith is a lifelong journey. There will be ups and downs, moments of doubt and moments of clarity. But every step you take brings you closer to understanding God’s purpose for your life.

9) Consistent prayer

Prayer is the lifeblood of a Christian’s relationship with God. It’s our direct line of communication with our Creator.

Highly effective Christians understand that prayer isn’t just about asking God for help. It’s also about thanking Him, seeking His guidance, and simply spending time in His presence.

Prayer isn’t about saying the right words or following a particular format. It’s about pouring out your heart to God, being honest with Him, and listening to His voice.

Consistent prayer deepens your connection with God and aligns your heart with His. It’s an essential habit for anyone looking to live an impactful Christian life.

Final reflection: It’s a journey

The beauty of faith is that it’s not a destination, but a journey. Each step we take in this journey shapes us, refines us, and brings us closer to God.

Becoming a highly effective Christian isn’t about ticking off a checklist. It’s about cultivating habits that align us with God’s will and purpose for our lives.

Remember, Jesus said, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). Our effectiveness as Christians isn’t measured by how much we know or do, but by how well we love.

As you reflect on these habits, don’t be discouraged if you fall short in some areas. We all do. Instead, see it as an opportunity for growth and transformation.

Faith is a journey of constant learning, unlearning, and relearning. Embrace the journey, lean into God’s grace, and strive to be a reflection of His love in the world around you.

Graeme Richards

Graeme Richards

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