9 ways Jesus taught us that being different is a divine strength


There’s a distinctive line between simply being different and embracing that difference as a strength.

Jesus, one of the most influential figures in history, taught us how to walk this line with grace and power.

Being different, according to Jesus, isn’t something to shy away from, but rather it’s a divine strength that can help us stand out and make a difference.

In this article, we’ll explore nine ways Jesus showed us how being different can be our greatest asset. His teachings can help us use our unique traits not as something to be hidden, but as powerful tools for change.

So, let’s dive in and discover how to turn our differences into divine strengths.

1) Embrace uniqueness

Jesus was no stranger to standing out from the crowd. He didn’t blend in with the norms of society, but instead, embraced his uniqueness.

His teachings were radical and counter-cultural. He dined with sinners, forgave the unforgivable, and loved the unlovable. His way of living was drastically different from the societal norms of his time.

And yet, it was his unique approach that drew people towards him. His distinct voice in a sea of conformity resonated with those who felt lost and unheard.

In today’s world, it’s easy to feel pressured to fit in, to conform to societal expectations. But Jesus taught us that being uniquely ourselves is not just okay, but a divine strength.

So, don’t shy away from being different or standing out. Embrace your uniqueness, for it is a divine strength gifted to you. And remember, it’s our differences that make us special and allow us to make a meaningful impact in this world.

2) Finding strength in vulnerability

I remember a time in my life when I was terrified of showing my true self to the world. I was scared of being judged, of not being accepted. I kept my feelings and thoughts hidden, putting on a mask that portrayed what I thought people wanted to see.

Looking back, I realize that it was during this period that I felt the most alone and disconnected.

Then, I stumbled upon a story about Jesus washing the feet of his disciples – an act of profound humility and vulnerability. He, the teacher and master, stooped down to serve his followers, setting an example of servant leadership.

This story made me realize that there is strength in vulnerability. It showed me that I don’t have to hide my true self or pretend to be someone I’m not. Instead, by opening up and being vulnerable, I could connect with others on a deeper level.

So, I started to slowly open up, to share more about my feelings and thoughts. Yes, it was scary at first, but with each step, I felt freer and more connected with those around me.

Jesus taught us that being vulnerable isn’t a weakness but a divine strength. He showed us the power of authenticity and the strength that comes from showing our true selves to the world.

3) The power of love

One of the most transformative teachings of Jesus is his commandment to “Love your neighbor as yourself”. This wasn’t a suggestion or a nice-to-have. It was a clear instruction, a cornerstone of his teachings.

In his life, Jesus portrayed this love in ways that transcended societal boundaries. He broke barriers and crossed lines to show love to those who were marginalized and ostracized.

But here’s something that might surprise you. The word “love” appears in the New Testament more than 200 times. This frequency underscores the importance Jesus placed on love, not just as an emotion, but as an action and a way of life.

So, by loving others unconditionally, just like Jesus did, we can honor our differences and use them to build bridges instead of walls. After all, love sees no differences but embraces all.

4) The value of humility

Humility is a virtue that Jesus not only preached but lived. He was the King of Kings, yet he chose to be born in a simple manger. He was the Messiah, yet he washed the feet of his disciples.

His life was a testament to humility and service to others. This wasn’t a sign of weakness but a demonstration of immense strength and character.

In our society today, where self-promotion and personal gain often take center stage, humility can seem counterintuitive. But Jesus taught us that it’s in humility that we find our strength.

By being humble, we acknowledge our differences, respect others, and build relationships based on mutual respect and understanding. Humility allows us to learn from others, grow from our mistakes, and recognize the value in everyone.

So remember, in a world where everyone wants to be a star, be the moon instead – reflect the light of others and show the world the beauty of humility.

5) The courage to stand alone

Jesus was often in the minority. He was misunderstood, criticized, and ultimately crucified for standing up for what he believed in. However, he never let the voices of the majority deter him from his purpose.

He taught us that it’s okay to be different, even if it means standing alone. He showed us that staying true to our beliefs, even when they’re unpopular, is a divine strength.

In a world where it’s easy to follow the crowd, standing alone requires courage. It’s about being authentic and holding on to our convictions, even when it’s easier to conform.

So don’t be afraid to stand alone. Don’t be afraid to be different. Remember, it’s those who have the courage to stand alone who often make the biggest impact.

6) The beauty of acceptance

Jesus was renowned for his acceptance of others, no matter their past or their differences. He saw the beauty in individuals that society often overlooked or rejected. He saw beyond the surface and into the heart.

And in his acceptance, he taught us a valuable lesson. He showed us that everyone has worth. That everyone, despite their past mistakes or current circumstances, deserves love and acceptance.

This acceptance goes beyond tolerance. It’s about recognizing the divine in each person, seeing their potential, and honoring their worth.

Acceptance allows us to celebrate our differences rather than fear them. It encourages unity rather than division. And in this acceptance, we find our own divine strength.

So let’s strive to be more accepting – of ourselves, of others, and our differences. For it’s in acceptance that we truly understand the beauty of being different.

7) The strength in forgiveness

I’ll never forget the day my best friend betrayed me. It felt like a stab in the back, and the pain was unbearable. For a long time, I held onto my anger and resentment, refusing to forgive.

But then, I thought about Jesus. He was betrayed by one of his own, yet on the cross, he uttered the words, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do”.

In that moment, I realized the enormous strength in forgiveness. I realized that by holding onto my anger, I was only hurting myself.

So, I made the choice to forgive. It wasn’t easy, but it brought me peace and healing. It allowed me to let go of the past and move forward.

Jesus taught us that forgiveness is a divine strength. It’s not about forgetting or saying that what happened was okay. It’s about choosing to let go of the pain and free yourself from the burden of resentment.

So remember, forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself. It’s a divine strength that allows you to move forward with grace and peace.

8) The power of faith

Jesus often spoke about the power of faith. He mentioned that faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.

His life and teachings were rooted in faith – faith in a higher power, faith in his purpose, and faith in the goodness of people.

Faith, as taught by Jesus, is a divine strength that can help us overcome challenges, weather storms, and stay hopeful even in the face of adversity.

In a world full of differences, having faith can unify us. It can help us see beyond our differences and believe in a higher purpose.

So let’s nurture our faith. Not just in the divine, but also in ourselves and in each other. Because when we have faith, we can transcend our differences and work towards a common goal.

9) The importance of living authentically

At the core of Jesus’ teachings is the essence of living authentically. He didn’t put on airs or pretend to be someone he was not. He lived his truth, even when it wasn’t popular or accepted by others.

Living authentically means honoring our uniqueness, embracing our differences, and staying true to our values and beliefs. It’s about expressing ourselves honestly and not being afraid to show our true colors.

Living authentically is perhaps one of the most divine strengths we can possess. It allows us to live with integrity, respect, and love for ourselves and others.

So let’s strive to live authentically, embracing our differences as divine strengths, and using them to make a positive impact in the world.

Final thoughts: Embracing our divine differences

The essence of Jesus’s teachings often leads us towards the beauty of embracing our differences, not as hurdles, but as divine strengths.

One such profound quote from Jesus is, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” This beatitude reminds us of the strength in being different, in creating harmony amidst diversity.

Being different isn’t about standing out for the sake of being noticed. It’s about acknowledging and accepting our unique perspectives, choices, and values. It’s about using these differences to forge connections, foster understanding, and promote love and acceptance.

Whether it’s reflecting on Jesus’s teachings or observing his life, we’re reminded that being different is not a weakness but a divine strength. It urges us to embrace our uniqueness and use it as a catalyst for positive change.

As we navigate through life, let us remember this wisdom. Let’s cherish our differences and see them as divine strengths that make us uniquely capable of making this world a more loving and peaceful place.

In this journey of embracing our differences as strengths, perhaps we’ll realize that our diversity is indeed our greatest asset.

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Graeme Richards

Graeme Richards

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