8 behaviors that signal you’re dealing with a fake Christian

When it comes to distinguishing between a genuine Christian and a fake one, the difference lies in the authenticity of their actions. A fake Christian might profess to follow the teachings of Jesus, but their actions tell a different story.

Identifying a fake Christian is about recognizing certain behaviors that don’t align with the principles of Christianity.

And believe me, there are tell-tale signs that can reveal the truth.

1) Inconsistency between words and actions

One of the most glaring signs you’re dealing with a fake Christian is inconsistency between their words and actions.

Real Christians strive to live in accordance with their faith. Their actions are a reflection of their beliefs and values. Love, kindness, forgiveness, empathy – these aren’t just words for them, but principles they live by.

However, a fake Christian might preach about love and forgiveness, but their actions tell a different story. They might be quick to judge others, hold grudges, or lack empathy.

Observing this stark contradiction can be a clear indicator that you’re dealing with someone who wears the mask of Christianity but lacks its essence.

2) Lack of compassion

I remember a time when I was dealing with a particularly challenging phase in life. Illness had taken a toll on my family and I was emotionally drained.

During this period, I turned to a person from my church community, who was always vocal about his religious beliefs.

I was hoping for some comforting words, some empathy. Instead, he brushed off my struggles and quickly changed the subject to something trivial.

His lack of compassion was surprising, considering how he always preached about love and empathy in our community gatherings.

That’s when it became clear to me. Being a Christian isn’t just about attending church or quoting scripture.

It’s about showing compassion, offering a shoulder to lean on during tough times. It’s about empathizing with others and being there for them.

A fake Christian might talk the talk, but when it comes to walking the walk, they falter.

3) Selective scripture quoting

The Bible, as the holy scripture of Christianity, is a rich text filled with various teachings and lessons. However, it’s important to understand it in its full context.

Fake Christians often resort to selective scripture quoting. They pick verses that suit their narrative or justify their behavior, while conveniently ignoring others.

This allows them to mask their actions under the guise of religious righteousness.

For instance, the Bible has numerous verses about helping the poor and needy. Yet, many Christians don’t actually tithe or give 10% of their income to the church or charity.

Using scripture selectively for personal gain is a common behavior among fake Christians.

A true Christian understands the spirit of the Bible and strives to live by its teachings as a whole.

4) Judgmental attitude

Christianity teaches us to love and accept others as they are, without passing judgment. Yet, a common behavior of fake Christians is being overly critical and judgmental.

They might point out the faults in others, criticize their choices, or look down upon them for not living up to their version of ‘Christian standards’. This judgmental attitude directly contradicts the teachings of love, acceptance, and understanding that Christianity stands for.

A true Christian understands that everyone is on their own spiritual journey, with their own struggles and victories. They offer support and guidance, instead of criticism and judgment.

5) Absence of forgiveness

forgive 'fake' friends

One of the most profound teachings of Christianity is forgiveness. It’s about letting go of resentment and grudges, healing past hurts, and offering second chances.

But when dealing with a fake Christian, you might notice a stark absence of this virtue. They hold on to past mistakes, refuse to forgive, and harbor resentment.

This not only goes against the teachings of Christianity but also hinders their personal growth and spiritual journey.

A true Christian knows that forgiveness isn’t just about the other person; it’s also about finding peace within themselves. They understand the power of forgiveness in mending relationships and fostering love and understanding.

6) A ‘holier than thou’ mentality

Growing up, I had a neighbor who was always vocal about her Christian faith. She made sure everyone knew about her regular church attendance, her Bible study groups, and her charity work.

However, she had a tendency to look down on those who didn’t live up to her standards of religious dedication.

She often made condescending remarks about others’ faith practices, or lack thereof. This ‘holier than thou’ mentality created a divide rather than fostering unity and understanding.

Christianity teaches us humility and respect for others’ journeys. It’s not about being better than others, but about becoming better versions of ourselves.

If someone constantly emphasizes their superiority based on their religious practices, it’s a clear sign you’re dealing with a fake Christian.

7) Lack of self-reflection

Christianity encourages introspection and self-reflection, urging its followers to constantly evaluate and better themselves.

However, a fake Christian often lacks this trait. They are quick to point out the mistakes of others but fail to reflect on their own shortcomings.

They’re resistant to change, often hiding behind their religious facade to avoid confronting their own flaws.

A true Christian understands that self-reflection is a crucial part of personal and spiritual growth. They are open to change and constantly strive to improve themselves based on the principles of their faith.

8) Love is absent

At the heart of Christianity is love – love for God, love for oneself, and love for others. It’s the guiding principle that underpins every teaching, every scripture, and every action.

A fake Christian might wear the label but fails to embody this core principle. They might engage in divisive behavior, spread negativity, or fail to show kindness and understanding.

If love is absent from their actions and their interactions with others, then no amount of religious talk or display can mask that. They are not living the true essence of Christianity.

Remember, a true Christian radiates love – in their words, their actions, and their approach to life. It’s the ultimate sign of genuine faith.

Final thoughts

The essence of Christianity, like any faith, lies in its genuine practice. It’s about embodying the teachings, living by the principles and extending love and compassion to others.

Being a Christian isn’t about ticking boxes or putting up a façade. It’s about the authenticity of one’s actions and the sincerity of their faith.

Identifying a fake Christian isn’t about judgment, but about discernment. Recognizing these behaviors can help us navigate our relationships and foster genuine connections based on shared values and mutual respect.

The biggest indicator of a true Christian isn’t their ability to recite scripture or their church attendance. It’s the love they radiate, the compassion they extend, and the humility they exhibit.

As Jesus himself said, “By their fruit you will recognize them”. Look for the fruit, not just the leaves.

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Elizabeth Carter

Elizabeth Carter

I'm Elizabeth Carter, the heart behind Biblescripture.net. I’m a theology graduate from Boston College who found her calling in making the Bible's wisdom vibrant and accessible. Alongside my studies, I cultivated a love for peaceful morning walks and deep conversations about faith over coffee. Every day, I'm here to walk with you through scripture, making its teachings not just accessible, but a vibrant part of your daily life. Join me in discovering how these ancient words can transform us in the most beautiful ways.

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