Christians who find joy in everyday small things usually practice these 8 habits


There’s a unique beauty in finding happiness in the little things. And for many Christians, it’s more than just an occasional occurrence, it’s a daily practice.

This joy isn’t accidental. It’s born out of consistent habits that nurture an appreciation for life’s small blessings.

Deep down, we all aspire to discover and maintain this level of joy. And the good news is that you can learn these habits too.

Here are eight habits commonly practiced by Christians who find joy in the everyday small things. Let’s explore how adopting these might brighten up your day-to-day life.

1) Embrace gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful habit, and it’s one that Christians who find joy in the small things often practice.

The idea of being thankful is deeply rooted in Christian teachings. But it’s not just about saying “thank you” for the big, obvious blessings. It’s about recognizing and appreciating the smaller moments of happiness that life offers every day.

Think about it. When you start to count your blessings, even the most mundane things can bring you joy. A warm cup of coffee in the morning, a smile from a stranger, or even just the feeling of sunshine on your face.

Practicing gratitude is a conscious decision. It’s choosing to focus on the positive, rather than dwelling on the negative. And this simple shift in mindset can significantly increase your overall happiness and joy.

But remember, gratitude isn’t just about feeling good. It’s about acknowledging and celebrating God’s goodness in your everyday life. So make it a point to practice gratitude daily, and watch how it transforms your perspective.

2) Seek God in the ordinary

This one hits close to home for me.

Growing up, my mom would always tell me, “God is in the details.” I didn’t fully grasp what she meant until I became an adult. Now, it’s a habit that brings me immense joy.

Seeking God in the ordinary means being aware of His presence in everyday life. It’s about finding Him not just in grand miracles or dramatic events, but also in mundane moments and simple pleasures.

For instance, I remember one day I was feeling particularly overwhelmed and stressed. I found myself sitting on a park bench near my house, just taking a break from everything. As I sat there, I noticed a small bird chirping cheerfully on a nearby tree branch. It was a simple thing, but in that moment, it felt like a personal message from God telling me to take heart and not worry.

Since then, I’ve made it a point to actively look for God’s presence in the ordinary. It’s not always easy, especially on busy or difficult days. But when I do, it never fails to lift my spirits and remind me of God’s love and care.

Seeking God in the ordinary is about having eyes of faith that can see His hand in everything. And trust me, once you start looking, you’ll be amazed at how much joy you can find in the smallest things.

3) Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is not a new concept. In fact, it’s been around for centuries, deeply embedded in many religious and spiritual practices, including Christianity.

Christians who find joy in everyday small things understand the value of being present in the moment. It’s about appreciating what is happening right now, rather than worrying about the past or the future.

Being mindful can be as simple as taking a moment to really savor your morning coffee, or pausing to appreciate a beautiful sunset. It’s about focusing on the here and now, and really experiencing each moment as it comes.

Interestingly, science backs up the benefits of mindfulness. Research shows that practicing mindfulness can reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and memory, and even boost overall happiness levels.

So next time you find yourself rushing through your day or feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list, take a moment to pause and be mindful. You might be surprised at how much joy you can find in just being present.

4) Serve others

One of the core teachings of Christianity is the act of serving others. But this isn’t just about grand gestures or huge commitments. Many Christians find joy in carrying out small acts of kindness every day.

Serving others can be as simple as holding the door open for someone, helping a neighbor with their groceries, or even just lending a listening ear to a friend in need.

These small acts of service can have a big impact, not just on the people you’re helping, but also on your own well-being. There’s a deep sense of satisfaction and joy that comes from making someone else’s day a little bit better.

So don’t underestimate the power of small acts of kindness. They’re a simple way to bring joy into your own life, as well as the lives of those around you.

5) Cultivate a relationship with God

At the heart of finding joy in everyday small things, for many Christians, is a deep, personal relationship with God.

It’s about more than just following religious rituals or adhering to certain doctrines. It’s about connecting with God on a personal level and experiencing His love and grace in your day-to-day life.

This relationship is nurtured through prayer, meditation, studying the Bible, and simply spending quiet time with God. It’s not always about asking for something or seeking guidance – sometimes it’s just about being in God’s presence and finding comfort there.

Cultivating this relationship allows you to see God’s hand in everything around you. It helps you appreciate the beauty of His creation and find joy in even the smallest blessings.

Remember, this relationship isn’t built overnight. It requires time, patience, and dedication. But the joy that comes from knowing God personally? That’s worth every effort.

6) Embrace imperfection

Life is messy. It’s full of unexpected twists and turns, and rarely goes according to plan. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way, time and time again.

But here’s the beautiful thing about it: even in the midst of chaos and imperfection, there’s joy to be found. In fact, some of the most meaningful moments of my life have come from situations that were far from perfect.

Embracing imperfection is about letting go of the need for everything to be just right and instead, finding joy in things as they are. It’s about accepting that life is a mix of triumphs and trials, successes and failures, highs and lows.

The key is to celebrate the triumphs, learn from the failures, and find joy in every step of the journey. So don’t stress over life’s imperfections. Embrace them, learn from them, and let them bring you joy in their own unique way.

7) Practice forgiveness

Forgiveness is a powerful practice. It’s about letting go of resentment and choosing to free yourself from the burden of past wrongs.

Christians who find joy in everyday small things understand the liberating power of forgiveness. They recognize that holding onto anger and resentment only robs them of their peace and joy.

By practicing forgiveness, you’re not saying that what happened was okay. Rather, you’re choosing to release the negative emotions that are holding you back and opening up space for joy and peace.

Remember, forgiveness is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight. But as you continue to practice it, you’ll find that it becomes easier and brings more joy into your life.

So next time you’re struggling with resentment or anger, remember the power of forgiveness. It’s not just about setting the other person free – it’s about setting yourself free, too.

8) Live intentionally

The most important thing to remember is this: living a life full of joy isn’t something that just happens. It’s a result of making intentional choices every day.

Living intentionally means making conscious decisions about how you spend your time, what you focus on, and how you react to the world around you. It’s about choosing joy, even in the midst of challenges and adversity.

This level of intentionality requires practice and discipline. But it’s worth it. When you live intentionally, you’re not just going through the motions. You’re fully engaged in your life, making the most of each moment, and finding joy in even the smallest things.

So make the choice to live intentionally. Choose to see the good in every day, to appreciate the small things, and to cultivate habits that bring you joy. It’s the most powerful way to live a life full of joy and contentment.

Final thoughts: It’s a journey

The quest for everyday joy is deeply personal and unique to each individual. It’s not a destination, but rather a journey that unfolds one small moment at a time.

For Christians, this journey is often guided by their faith and the teachings of Jesus Christ. It’s about cultivating habits that allow them to see God’s love and grace in the simplest things, and to find joy in their daily walk with Him.

At the core of these habits is the belief in an omnipresent God who is actively involved in their lives, providing comfort, guidance, and unconditional love.

Whether it’s practicing gratitude, serving others, or seeking God in the ordinary, these habits are not just about finding joy – they’re about living a life that reflects the love of God.

So as you navigate your own journey, remember to slow down and savor the small moments. Embrace the beauty of everyday life, and let these habits guide you towards a deeper sense of joy.

After all, as Mother Teresa once said, “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” And it’s through these small things that we often find the greatest joy.

Graeme Richards

Graeme Richards

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