With so much uncertainty in the world, many people are wondering if we are nearing the rapture — a key event in Christian prophecy.
But how can we know if it’s truly approaching?
The Bible provides specific signs that will appear before the rapture, offering believers guidance on what to look for.
If we’re nearing the rapture, there are certain signs we should see first. As someone who’s spent years studying these prophecies, I’m here to guide you through them.
Here’s my list of 8 signs we should see first if we are indeed approaching the rapture. Just keep your eyes wide open and let’s dive into it together.
1. Increase in knowledge and travel
Few things are more indicative of the approaching rapture than a rise in global chaos.
The Bible, particularly in the book of Revelation, gives us a clear hint of what to expect. It talks about wars, rumors of wars, nation rising against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
Look around.
The world today is no stranger to conflict and discord. Whether it’s political unrest, economic crises, or environmental disasters – the signs are all around us.
I know, this may seem a bit surreal, but the book of Daniel (Daniel 12:4) instructs:
“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”
In this scripture, ‘running to and fro’ can be interpreted as increased travel. The ‘increase in knowledge’ is self-explanatory.
We live in an era where both these conditions are met. Today, we have unprecedented access to information through the internet.
Furthermore, global travel is more accessible than it has ever been in human history.
This sign doesn’t necessarily mean that the rapture is imminent. However, it does indicate that we are living in what the Bible refers to as ‘the time of the end’.
2. The return of Israel
The second sign to be aware of is the return of Israel as an independent nation.
Biblical prophecies foretell the re-emergence of Israel back to its land. This prophecy comes from several books in the Old Testament, including Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel.
For instance, in Ezekiel 37:21, God declares:
“I will take the Israelites out of the nations where they have gone. I will gather them from all around and bring them back into their own land.”
This seemed far-fetched until May 14, 1948.
On this day, after nearly 2000 years of dispersion, Israel was declared an independent state.
The rebirth of Israel as a nation is a significant event in biblical prophecy. It’s a clear sign indicating we are living in the end times.
3. Rise of the global economy
The next sign we should be cognizant of is the rise of the global economy.
Scripture in Revelation 13:16-17 speaks of a time when all people, regardless of their social or economic status, will need a “mark” to buy or sell.
Now, you might think, how does this tie back to a global economy?
Well, let’s consider this:
For such a system where everyone is marked and required to have this mark to participate in commerce, a globally connected economic system would be necessary.
While it’s not explicitly stated as “global economy” in the scriptures, the idea resonates with today’s interconnected world. The advancements in technology and finance have made global transactions easier than ever before.
This sign can seem a little daunting.
However, we must understand this not as a cause for fear, but as an indication to deepen our faith and spiritual preparedness.
4. The rise of false prophets
Have you ever noticed the increase in self-proclaimed prophets and spiritual leaders?
The Bible warns us in Matthew 24:24:
“For false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.”
This prophesy is alarmingly relevant today.
We live in an age where countless individuals claim to have divine revelations, predicting end times, and performing ‘miracles.’ While some may be genuine, many are false prophets seeking to exploit believers’ faith for personal gain.
Discernment becomes crucial in such times. Believers are urged to rely on the Holy Scriptures as their guide and not be swayed by every claim they come across.
Did You Know? The New Testament mentions false prophets 22 times. This shows the importance of discernment in our spiritual journey.
5. Increasing wickedness and loss of love
Another sign to be aware of is the increase in wickedness and a decrease in love among people.
Matthew 24:12 warns, “Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold.”
Today, we can observe:
- Rising crime rates
- Increasing violence and hatred
- Loss of empathy and compassion
- Decline in moral values
These instances reflect a society where love is growing cold. Wickedness isn’t just rampant; it’s often celebrated or normalized.
However, as believers, we are called to not let our love grow cold. Instead, we are urged to extend grace and exhibit the love of Christ in our lives, regardless of societal trends.
Insight: The Greek word used for ‘love’ in Matthew 24:12 is ‘agape,’ which refers to God’s unconditional love. This implies a decrease in godly love in society.
6. The gospel preached worldwide
The sixth sign is one we can all participate in – the gospel being preached worldwide.
We often forget that our personal mission as believers is a part of the greater prophecy.
Matthew 24:14 says, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”
Today, with advances in technology and communication, the gospel has reached corners of the world like never before. The internet, television, radio, and countless missionaries have made it possible to share God’s message globally.
But let’s not get complacent.
While significant progress has been made, there are still people and places yet to hear the gospel.
7. The rise of a dominating world power
Imagine a single entity holding extreme power and influence over the entire globe. Sounds like a plot for a dystopian novel, right?
However, this scenario is one of the signs mentioned in the Bible.
Revelation 13 describes a beast (symbolic of world power) that would dominate globally and demand everyone’s allegiance. This dominating force is seen as another sign of the end times.
Now, we see international organizations gaining more influence and countries forming powerful alliances.
While it’s not clear if any current entity fits the exact description, it’s a development we should be mindful of.
Did you know? In biblical prophecy, ‘beasts’ often symbolize political powers or empires. For instance, Daniel’s visions included various beasts representing different kingdoms.
8) Love growing cold
In a world where technology brings us closer than ever, it’s heartbreaking to see how disconnected we’ve become.
The Bible warns us of a time when “the love of many will grow cold.”
We see this in the rising rates of loneliness, depression, and suicide. We see it in the breakdown of families, the loss of community, and the decline of genuine, meaningful relationships.
But amidst all this, there’s still hope.
This is our call to action. To love more deeply, more authentically. To mend broken relationships, to reach out to the lonely, and to express love not just in words, but in actions.
What does this mean for our spiritual preparedness?
Understanding these signs is not about predicting a specific time or date for the rapture. Only God holds that knowledge.
Instead, recognizing these signs should serve as a call to spiritual readiness.
- Increasing our engagement with scripture
- Prioritizing our spiritual self-care
- Extending grace while pursuing holiness
Every day offers us an opportunity to grow in faith and align our lives with God’s will. These signs serve as reminders, urging us to keep our focus on the eternal and not get lost in the temporary.
Let’s use this understanding to live in a state of spiritual preparedness, ready to meet our Savior whenever that day comes.
Because ultimately, that is what matters the most.
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