If you want to deepen your faith, consider these 7 lessons from the Gospel of John

lessons from the Gospel of John

The Gospel of John is unlike the other gospels. It stands out due to its unique style and profound theological insights.

This book communicates the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ and provides deep lessons about faith, love, and salvation.

Diving into its pages, you encounter teachings that challenge and inspire, fostering a deeper understanding of your faith.

In this article, we’ll delve into 7 lessons from the Gospel of John. Each of them has the potential to transform your spiritual perspective and nurture your relationship with God.

Consider this my an invitation to explore Jesus’ life and teachings from a unique perspective.

1) Start with love

Love isn’t just a concept in the Gospel of John – it’s the heart of it.

And understanding this love is crucial for deepening your faith.

John’s Gospel is filled with passages that emphasize the power and significance of love. It’s in the teachings of Jesus, it’s in His actions, and it’s in His ultimate sacrifice on the cross.

Think about it.

The Gospel of John teaches us that “God is love” (1 John 4:8).

This isn’t just a nice saying — it’s a profound spiritual truth that can transform our understanding of God and our faith.

When you truly understand this, you start to see God’s love in everything – in His creation, in His Word, and in His actions.

Trust me, this recognition can deepen your faith in a powerful way.

2) Recognize Jesus as the word of God

The Gospel of John begins with a powerful declaration:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).

This statement is profound and sets the tone for the entire Gospel. Why?

Because it proclaims Jesus as the Word – the divine Logos who existed with God from the very beginning.

Thus, this perspective encourages us to see Jesus not merely as a man who lived two millennia ago, but as the eternal, divine Word of God.

And if we understand Jesus in this light, we can deepen our faith and appreciation of His divine nature.

The takeaway from this lesson is clear:

Jesus is not just a historical figure. He’s the eternal Word of God who came to earth to reveal God’s love and truth to humanity.

3) Understand the significance of belief

Belief is a central theme in the Gospel of John – mentioned over 90 times.

It is often highlighted through various encounters and miracles performed by Jesus.

For example, in the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead, He proclaims, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies” (John 11:25).

This theme emphasizes the power and significance of belief in Jesus as the son of God. It’s not merely an intellectual acceptance but a deep, personal faith that transforms lives.

What’s more, John highlights this transformative power of belief in Jesus through various instances. For instance, in the healing of the official’s son (John 4:46-54) and the conversion of Sa amaritan woman at the well (John 4:1-42).

The emphasis on belief in John’s Gospel is a powerful lesson for those seeking to deepen their faith.

And indeed: your faith journey is not just about knowing God; it’s about believing in Him and allowing that belief to radically transform your life.

4) Open your heart to miracles

Miracles are a core part of the Gospel of John.

From turning water into wine at Cana to raising Lazarus from the dead, John illustrates the miraculous power of Jesus in ways that can truly inspire and deepen your faith.

These stories remind us that we worship a God who defies the laws of nature, a God who is capable of doing things beyond our comprehension.

But here’s the thing – these miracles aren’t just about showcasing power.

They’re about revealing the heart of God, His compassion, His love for humanity, and His desire to bring healing and restoration.

When you’re delving into the Gospel of John, don’t just read these miracle stories as historical events. Instead, open your heart to them.

And most importantly, reflect on what they reveal about God’s character.

5) Embrace the concept of abundant life

“We’ve believed and understood, so what’s next?” you may ask.

Well, the Gospel of John presents an intriguing response to this question – the concept of abundant life.

In John 10:10, Jesus says, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

This is not about material wealth or worldly success. Instead, it’s about a life filled with love, joy, peace, and a profound sense of purpose – all hallmarks of a deep, vibrant faith.

The thing is, abundant life is an invitation to experience God’s love and grace in its fullness.

It’s about living in the light of God’s truth, experiencing His peace amidst trials, and enjoying His joy in every circumstance.

This understanding can significantly impact how you live out your faith daily. It moves us beyond mere belief to a lifestyle that reflects the abundance of God’s kingdom here on earth.

5) Think of Jesus as the vine

In John 15, Jesus presents Himself as the “true vine,” and His disciples as the branches.

This metaphor provides a vivid picture of our relationship with Christ.

Simply put, Jesus is the source of life, and we are dependent upon Him for spiritual growth and fruitfulness. Without Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5).

Through this metaphor, we learn several significant truths about deepening our faith:

  • Maintaining close communion with Jesus
  • Dependence on Him for spiritual sustenance and growth
  • The importance of bearing spiritual fruit

Understanding and embracing these truths can significantly transform your faith journey. It shifts our focus from self-effort to relying on Jesus, the true vine.

We are reminded that it is not about what we can do for God, but what He can do in and through us.

6) Live out love as Jesus commanded

Now, let me introduce a fundamental the Gospel of John offers on love.

Jesus says:

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34).

We often speak of love, but implementing it as Jesus commanded requires an understanding of His sacrificial love for us. This love is selfless, unconditional, and knows no boundaries.

As we seek to deepen our faith, we are called to live out this kind of love in our interactions with others.

It’s not merely about feeling affectionate towards others — it’s about showing kindness, extending forgiveness, and being willing to sacrifice for the well-being of others.

Living out Jesus’ command to love is a powerful way to deepen your faith. It moves us beyond mere knowledge of biblical principles to their practical application in our everyday lives.

Let’s take this lesson to heart and strive to reflect Jesus’ love in all that we do.

Believe me, this commitment to putting love into action can bring about a profound transformation in our faith journey.

7) Accept the promise of the Holy Spirit

Finally, let’s say you’re embarking on a journey, unsure of the way and feeling alone.

Wouldn’t it be comforting to have a guide?

In the Gospel of John, Jesus promises His disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit. He describes the Holy Spirit as the Counselor, who will guide them in all truth (John 16:13).

However, this promise wasn’t just for the disciple — it’s for us too.

As followers of Christ, we are assured of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides us, empowers us, and helps us understand God’s Word.

As you seek to deepen your faith, you’re not alone in this journey. The Holy Spirit is with you, guiding you into a deeper understanding and application of God’s Word.

Isn’t it comforting to know that we have a divine helper on our faith journey?

Accepting and relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit is an integral step in deepening your faith.

Are you ready to deepen your faith?

As you can see, the Gospel of John, cherished by many, serves as a spiritual guide. It illuminates the path to a deeper understanding of faith.

Taking the lessons from the Gospel of John to heart is a transformative process. Each lesson offers a unique perspective, challenging us to reflect and grow in our faith.

These lessons are not one-time readings but life-long practices, leading us on a path of spiritual growth

. Applying these lessons from the Gospel of John can profoundly impact our faith journey.

So, are you ready to take this step towards deeper faith?

I know that the journey may be challenging, but trust me, it’s undoubtedly rewarding!

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Mikkel Andrews

Mikkel Andrews

I'm Mikkel Andrews a theology professor currently based in Philippines. I've been walking with Christ ever since I can remember. My life's work is about understanding His teachings and sharing that knowledge. You'll often find me involved in community outreach or curled up with a book on theology, always looking to deepen my faith. When I'm not volunteering or diving into the latest theological texts, I'm writing for Bible Scripture to make spirituality relatable.

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