If your faith is tested, these 7 steps will help you see God’s hand in adversity


Belief can be a tricky thing, especially when life throws you a curveball.

When hardships hit, it’s natural to question, to feel your faith waver. But understand this: being tested is not a sign of God’s disfavor.

On the contrary, it’s an invitation to grow closer, to see His guidance even in the storm.

I’ve found 7 steps that have helped me see God’s hand in adversity, and I hope they can help you too.

Let’s dive into the “If your faith is tested, these 7 steps will help you see God’s hand in adversity”.

1) Embrace acceptance

When life’s hard knocks come knocking, it’s easy to fall into denial or resistance. But, as hard as it is, the first step is to embrace acceptance.

Acceptance doesn’t mean you have to like what’s happening. It simply means acknowledging the reality of the situation. It’s saying, “Yes, this is happening. Yes, this is real.”

This is a crucial step in seeing God’s hand in adversity because it opens up your perspective to recognize His actions. You start seeing beyond your pain and begin noticing the blessings and lessons hidden in the hardship.

Remember, acceptance isn’t about passivity. It’s about understanding that there’s a higher power at work. And often times, it’s through accepting our trials that we can open ourselves up to God’s guidance.

Embrace acceptance, and watch how your perception begins to shift.

2) Seek connection in prayer

Prayer has always been my lifeline during tough times. There’s something incredibly powerful about pouring out your heart and fears to God.

I remember when I went through a particularly challenging time in my life. I felt so lost, like I was in the middle of a storm with no way out. But those moments of solitude, when I’d kneel down and pray, were the moments I felt a sense of peace sweeping over me.

Prayer allowed me to vent, to cry, and most importantly, to listen. It was during those quiet moments, when I’d emptied myself of all my worries, that I could sense God’s comforting presence and hear His reassurances in my heart.

Prayer is not just about asking for help; it’s about building a connection with God. It’s about opening up your heart to Him, inviting Him into your struggles, and allowing Him to guide you through.

When your faith is tested, don’t shy away from prayer. Use it as your communication line to God. You might be surprised at how much clarity and peace it can bring into your life.

3) Cultivate gratitude

Gratitude can be a powerful force, even in the face of adversity. Despite our circumstances, there’s always something to be thankful for.

Research has shown that practicing gratitude can actually rewire our brains to be more positive, reducing stress and fostering resilience. It’s one of the most effective ways to bring about a shift in our mindset.

Finding things to be grateful for amidst adversity can help us stay grounded and focused on the positives rather than being consumed by the negatives. It’s the silver lining that helps us see God’s hand at work, even in the most challenging situations.

So, start a gratitude journal or simply take a few moments each day to reflect on the things you’re thankful for. Gradually, you’ll begin to notice how this practice changes your perspective and enables you to see God’s blessings more clearly.

4) Seek wisdom in scripture

When life gets tough, one of the best places to find comfort and guidance is in the pages of the Bible.

The scriptures are filled with stories of men and women who faced trials, yet emerged victorious through their faith in God. By reading these stories, we can gain insights and learn how to handle our own challenges.

Furthermore, God’s words can provide reassurances and promises that can boost our spirits during hard times. They remind us that even in adversity, God is still at work.

So, when your faith is tested, delve into scripture. Let the wisdom of God’s Word guide you and give you strength. You might just find the answers you’re looking for in those sacred pages.

5) Lean on a faith community

When I was going through a rough patch, there were times when I felt so alone. I wondered if anyone could understand the turmoil I was experiencing.

Then, I reached out to my faith community. The support I received was astounding. They didn’t just offer comforting words; they stood by me, prayed with me, and helped me see the situation from a fresh perspective.

Having a faith community is like having a family that shares your beliefs and supports you in your spiritual journey. They can be a source of strength and encouragement when your faith is tested.

Don’t hesitate to lean on your faith community during tough times. Their support can make all the difference in helping you see God’s hand in adversity.

6) Practice patience

Adversity often comes with a desire for immediate relief. But sometimes, the answers and the healing we seek don’t come as quickly as we’d like.

Practicing patience means trusting in God’s timing. It’s understanding that He is at work even when we can’t see the immediate results.

Remember, some of the greatest lessons are learned in the waiting. It’s during these times that our faith gets strengthened and our character gets refined.

So, when your faith is being tested, practice patience. Trust in God’s timing and remember that He has a plan for you, even if it doesn’t align with your own timeline.

7) Hold onto hope

In the face of adversity, hope is your most powerful ally. It’s the light at the end of the tunnel that keeps you going, even when things seem bleak.

Hope is not about ignoring your circumstances or pretending everything is okay. It’s about believing in the promise of better days ahead, despite what you’re currently facing.

Hope is a testament to your faith in God. It’s a declaration that you trust Him to turn your trials into triumphs, your pain into purpose.

So, no matter how tough things get, hold onto hope. It’s the anchor for your soul that will help you see God’s hand in adversity.

Final thoughts: The transformative power of faith

The journey of faith is often strewn with challenges, yet it’s within these challenges that we find our greatest growth.

James, a disciple of Jesus, captured this beautifully when he wrote, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.” (James 1:2-3)

Facing adversity isn’t a detour from the journey of faith; it’s an integral part of it. It’s the crucible that refines us, shapes us, and brings out the best in us.

As we walk through the trials of life, using these seven steps as guideposts, we can begin to recognize God’s hand in our adversities. We start to see how He uses these experiences not to break us, but to build us.

Just remember, every challenge is a chance for transformation. Every setback is a setup for a comeback. And above all, God is always at work—even when it seems like He’s not.

So keep faith. Keep hope. And remember: you’re not alone in this journey.

Graeme Richards

Graeme Richards

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