7 teachings of Jesus that challenge modern societal norms


There’s a significant gap between knowing the teachings of Jesus and understanding how they challenge our current societal norms.

The gap boils down to interpretation. Many of us know the teachings, but we often overlook their implications in today’s society.

Understanding these teachings, however, can provide a fresh perspective on our modern norms and values. It’s about digging deeper into the words of Jesus to see how they question the status quo.

Here are seven teachings of Jesus that do just this.

This is your introduction to “7 teachings of Jesus that challenge modern societal norms”. Let’s dive in and see how these teachings continue to shape and challenge our world today.

1) Love your enemy

In a world that often tells us to ‘get even’ and ‘fight fire with fire’, Jesus’s teaching to ‘love your enemy’ feels profoundly counter-cultural.

This is a teaching that encourages us to show love, kindness, and forgiveness towards those who’ve hurt us or wronged us in some way. It’s not about being a doormat, but about choosing love over hate, forgiveness over resentment.

Jesus didn’t just preach this teaching, he lived it. Even on the cross, he asked God to forgive those who were crucifying him.

In our modern society, where revenge and retaliation are often seen as strength, this teaching of Jesus challenges us to redefine what true strength looks like.

But practicing this teaching isn’t easy. It requires courage, patience, and a generous heart. Yet it’s a powerful way of fostering understanding and peace in a world that desperately needs it.

2) It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God

In today’s society, where success is often measured by wealth and possessions, this teaching of Jesus really hits home.

I remember when I first heard this teaching. I was fresh out of college and had just landed a lucrative job. The world seemed to be at my feet. I was caught up in the race to amass wealth and status.

One day, I came across this teaching of Jesus. It made me pause and reflect on what I was chasing after. Was it just wealth, or was it true fulfillment and happiness?

This teaching challenged me to rethink my priorities. It reminded me that being rich in material possessions doesn’t necessarily mean being rich in spirit or contentment.

In a world that glorifies wealth and consumption, this teaching of Jesus encourages us to strive for spiritual richness rather than material wealth. And that’s a perspective that’s truly countercultural.

3) Do not judge, or you too will be judged

Jesus’s call to refrain from judgment is a powerful teaching that challenges the very human tendency to judge others quickly based on their actions or appearance.

In a society filled with judgement, from social media platforms to courtrooms, this teaching feels particularly relevant.

Interestingly, a study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that people tend to judge others more harshly than themselves for the same behavior. This is known as the self-serving bias.

Jesus’s teaching nudges us to acknowledge and overcome this bias, encouraging empathy and understanding instead of quick, harsh judgments. The wisdom in this teaching holds a mirror to our modern societal norms, asking us to reflect and change.

4) Turn the other cheek

In a society where retaliation is often the norm, Jesus’s teaching to ‘turn the other cheek’ is a radical call to non-violence and forgiveness.

The phrase ‘turn the other cheek’ originates from the Sermon on the Mount in the Bible, where Jesus instructs his followers to resist the impulse to retaliate when wronged. Instead, they should offer a willingness to endure more.

In today’s world, where conflicts and disputes are often resolved through force or retaliation, this teaching challenges us to respond with patience, humility, and forgiveness.

It’s a tough teaching to live by, and it certainly goes against our instinctive reaction of self-defense. But it’s a powerful reminder of the transformative power of non-violence and compassion.

5) Blessed are the peacemakers

In a world that often glorifies power and victory, Jesus’s teaching that ‘blessed are the peacemakers’ presents a stark contrast.

I’ve always been a bit of a conflict-avoider, preferring harmony over confrontation. But in the past, this caused me to question my own strength. Was I being weak? Should I be more assertive, more confrontational?

This teaching of Jesus reassured me. It told me that there is strength in seeking peace, in being a bridge builder. That fostering harmony isn’t a sign of weakness, but of courage and wisdom.

It’s a teaching that challenges modern norms, where conflicts are often seen as battles to win rather than opportunities for resolution and growth. It reminds us that peace isn’t just the absence of conflict, but the presence of justice and mutual understanding.

6) The last will be first, and the first will be last

In a society that often prioritizes the ‘winners’ and overlooks the ‘losers’, Jesus’s teaching that ‘the last will be first, and the first will be last’ offers a profound shift in perspective.

This teaching challenges us to rethink our understanding of success and failure. It emphasizes humility and service over pride and self-promotion.

The world may celebrate those who are first – those who win, achieve, succeed. But Jesus’s teaching reminds us that those who are often overlooked, those who serve others, those who are humble – they too have immense value in God’s eyes.

It’s a powerful lesson in humility and empathy, challenging us to look beyond societal rankings to see the inherent worth in each person.

7) Love your neighbor as yourself

In a world filled with division and strife, Jesus’s teaching to ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ is perhaps the most revolutionary.

This isn’t just about loving those who are like us or those who are easy to love. It’s about loving all our neighbors – those who are different, those who disagree with us, even those who annoy us.

It’s a call to empathy, compassion, and understanding that challenges many of our societal norms. It pushes us beyond our comfort zones, breaking down barriers and cultivating a sense of shared humanity.

This isn’t just a nice sentiment. It’s a radical call to action, one that has the potential to transform our societies if we dare to live by it.

Final reflection: A radical guide to living

The teachings of Jesus presented in this article are more than just religious doctrines. They are a blueprint for a way of life that challenges many of our modern societal norms.

From loving our enemies to valuing the last as first, these teachings push us to question our values and motivations, encouraging us to strive for empathy, humility, and selflessness.

These teachings aren’t easy to follow. They demand courage, introspection, and a willingness to swim against the current of societal norms.

But imagine a world where we all tried to live by these teachings – a world filled with more understanding, compassion, and peace.

As theologian John Stott once said, “The Sermon on the Mount is probably the best-known part of the teaching of Jesus, though arguably it is the least understood, and certainly it is the least obeyed.”

So as we end this exploration of Jesus’s teachings that challenge modern societal norms, let’s not just understand them. Let’s strive to live them out in our daily lives. It’s a radical call to action that has the power to transform not just us as individuals, but our societies as well.

Graeme Richards

Graeme Richards

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