9 signs you’re deeply connected with your spiritual side


There’s a distinct feeling when you’re in tune with your spiritual side. It’s like a deep, inner connection that guides you and provides you with wisdom and peace.

Often, it’s not about religious practices or beliefs. Rather, it’s about having a heightened sense of awareness and understanding about life and your place in the universe.

Being deeply connected with your spiritual side can manifest in various ways. And let me tell you, discerning individuals often notice certain signs that signify this deep connection.

So, let’s delve into these spiritual signs that suggest you’re more spiritually connected than you think. Here are the “9 signs you’re deeply connected with your spiritual side”.

1) Inner peace

A sense of inner peace is often a key sign of being deeply connected with your spiritual side.

And those who have found this connection will tell you – it’s like having a calm, serene sanctuary within yourself.

In the face of life’s various challenges, you remain undisturbed. It’s not about avoiding problems or denying them. Rather, it’s about confronting them with composure and grace.

This inner peace is not something that can be forced or faked. It’s a genuine state of being that stems from a deep-rooted spiritual connection.

So if you find yourself often in a state of tranquility amid chaos, it’s a pretty strong sign that your spiritual connection runs deep.

But remember, this inner peace is not about complacency or indifference. It’s about understanding and accepting the flux of life and maintaining your equilibrium through it all.

2) Intuitive understanding

Trust me, I’ve been there. It’s like you just ‘get’ things without needing a rational explanation.

I remember this one time when I had to make a major decision about my career. On paper, the choice seemed pretty straightforward. But something within me was urging me to consider the option that was less logical.

Call it intuition or a gut feeling, it was something that couldn’t be justified by facts or figures. It was just a deep-seated understanding that came from within.

I decided to follow this intuition and it turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. It led me down a path of self-discovery and growth that I could never have anticipated.

So if you find yourself frequently relying on your intuitive understanding, it’s likely a sign that you’re deeply connected with your spiritual side.

3) Increased empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It’s a trait that’s deeply connected to our spiritual side.

When you’re spiritually connected, you tend to be more in tune with the emotions of those around you. You can feel their joy, their pain, their hopes, and their fears.

Did you know that some research suggests empathy might be linked to mirror neurons in our brains? These neurons fire both when we perform an action and when we see someone else perform that action. It’s believed they play a crucial role in our ability to empathize.

So if you find yourself often feeling the emotions of others as if they were your own, it’s a sign that you have a deep spiritual connection.

4) Natural synchronicity

Have you ever noticed how sometimes things just seem to fall into place perfectly? Like the universe is aligning everything in your favor?

This could be a sign of your deep spiritual connection.

Spiritually connected individuals often experience this sense of synchronicity in their lives. Events and circumstances seem to align in a way that seems too perfect to be mere coincidence.

It’s like you’re in the right place at the right time, meeting the right people, and stumbling upon the right opportunities.

This sense of synchronicity is often seen as the universe’s way of guiding you along your spiritual journey. So if you frequently notice these ‘happy coincidences’, it might be a sign that you’re deeply connected with your spiritual side.

5) Frequent deja vu

Deja vu is a French term that literally translates to “already seen”. It’s that eerie sensation you get when you feel like you’ve lived through the current situation before.

Some people believe that experiencing deja vu frequently could be a sign of a deep spiritual connection.

The idea is that these moments are glimpses into our subconscious mind, revealing memories from past lives or spiritual experiences.

While there’s no scientific proof to back this up, many spiritually connected individuals report experiencing deja vu more often than others.

So, if you frequently find yourself in situations where you’re certain you’ve been before, it may be a sign of your deep spiritual connection.

6) Feeling a sense of unity

When you’re deeply connected with your spiritual side, you often feel a profound sense of unity.

It’s not just about feeling connected to the people around you. It’s about feeling connected to everything – the trees, the sky, the animals, the entire universe.

It’s a humbling experience that fills your heart with warmth and love. You begin to realize that we are all part of a whole, and that every life form has an essential role to play in the grand scheme of things.

This sense of unity brings about compassion, empathy, and love towards all beings. It makes you appreciate the beauty in diversity and the interconnectedness of life.

So if you often find yourself overwhelmed with this feeling of oneness with everything around you, it’s a strong sign that you’re deeply connected with your spiritual side.

7) Deep sense of purpose

There’s something truly empowering about knowing your life’s purpose.

Years ago, I found myself at a crossroads. I was successful by society’s standards – a high-paying job, a nice house, a loving family. But something felt missing. I felt like I was just going through the motions, living a life without any real purpose.

That’s when I started my spiritual journey. As I delved deeper into my spiritual side, I discovered my true purpose – to help others on their own spiritual journeys.

This realization filled my life with meaning and direction. It gave me a reason to wake up every morning with enthusiasm and passion.

If you’ve discovered your life’s purpose and it feels deeply meaningful, it’s a sign that you’re connected with your spiritual side. This sense of purpose is not about achieving worldly success, but about making a positive difference in the world.

8) Heightened awareness

One significant sign of being deeply connected with your spiritual side is a heightened sense of awareness.

You start to notice the little things – the subtle change in the wind, the intricate patterns on a leaf, the rhythm of your own breath.

This heightened awareness extends beyond the physical world. You become more attuned to your thoughts, emotions, and intuition. You are more present in each moment, experiencing life in its fullest intensity.

Moreover, you become more aware of the energy around you. You can sense the vibes of people and places, often instinctively knowing if something feels right or not.

So if you find yourself experiencing heightened awareness on a regular basis, it’s a telltale sign that you’re deeply connected with your spiritual side.

9) Unconditional self-love

Above all, being deeply connected with your spiritual side manifests as unconditional love for yourself.

You accept yourself wholeheartedly – your strengths, your flaws, your victories, and your failures. You understand that you’re a work in progress and that every experience is an opportunity for growth.

This self-love is not narcissistic or self-centered. It’s about acknowledging your worth and treating yourself with kindness and respect.

You realize that you’re not defined by external validation or societal norms. Your self-worth comes from within, from your spiritual core.

Remember, it’s only when you love yourself unconditionally that you can truly love others in the same way. So if you’ve embraced self-love in its truest form, it’s a sure sign that you’re deeply connected with your spiritual side.

Embracing the journey

The path to spiritual connection is a deeply personal and transformative journey.

It’s not about reaching a destination, but about embracing every twist and turn, every high and low, every moment of joy and sorrow. It’s about growing, learning, and evolving with every step.

Remember that the signs of spiritual connection we’ve discussed are not checkboxes to be ticked off. They’re more like guideposts, helping you navigate your spiritual journey.

And while these signs can provide some insight, the true measure of your spiritual connection comes from within. It’s that sense of peace, understanding, and unity that transcends words.

So, as you continue on your spiritual journey, remember to be gentle with yourself. Cherish the journey for what it is – a beautiful dance between you and the universe.

After all, as the great spiritual teacher Ram Dass wisely said, “We’re all just walking each other home.”

Graeme Richards

Graeme Richards

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