Test your faith this Easter: 30 Bible trivia questions (with answers)


As Easter approaches, it’s a perfect time to reconnect with the core of our faith and the stories that give it meaning.

This season is more than just a historical or religious milestone — it’s a time to reflect on faith, renewal, and the profound stories that shape Christian beliefs.

This week, we invite you to engage with the Bible in a way that’s both thought-provoking and heartwarming.

Are you ready to challenge yourself and see how much you remember? Dive into our weekly quiz to test your knowledge and perhaps rediscover the essence of Easter in a new light.

6 easy Bible questions for beginners

Let’s start with 6 easy Bible questions for beginners. These questions cover foundational aspects of the Bible, suitable for those just starting their journey in learning about its teachings.

Choose the best answer:

  1. Who built the ark?
    • A. Moses
    • B. Noah
    • C. Abraham
    • D. David
  2. Which book comes first in the New Testament?
    • A. Genesis
    • B. Psalms
    • C. Matthew
    • D. Acts
  3. What fruit did Adam and Eve eat from the forbidden tree?
    • A. Apple
    • B. Fig
    • C. Pomegranate
    • D. The Bible doesn’t specify
  4. How many days did God take to create the world?
    • A. 6 days
    • B. 7 days
    • C. 10 days
    • D. 40 days
  5. Who did God give the Ten Commandments to?
    • A. Moses
    • B. Noah
    • C. David
    • D. Paul
  6. Where was Jesus born?
    • A. Nazareth
    • B. Jerusalem
    • C. Bethlehem
    • D. Capernaum

3 questions on Easter symbols and traditions

Diving deeper into the heart of the Easter celebration, let’s explore the rich symbols and traditions that have shaped this season through the ages.

Whether you’re familiar with these traditions or curious about their origins, these 3 questions are designed to challenge and enlighten you:

  1. Why is the lamb a prominent symbol in Easter celebrations, and what does it represent?
    • A. Springtime and renewal.
    • B. The disciples of Jesus.
    • C. Jesus Christ, as the “Lamb of God.”
    • D. The shepherds who visited Jesus.
  2. What do Easter eggs symbolize, and how did the tradition of decorating them come about?
    • A. The boulders of Jesus’ tomb.
    • B. Fertility and rebirth.
    • C. The resurrection of Jesus, with early Christians of Mesopotamia dyeing them red.
    • D. The disciples, with each egg representing an apostle.
  3. The Easter Lily is often associated with the resurrection. What does it signify, and why is it linked to Easter?
    • A. Purity and virtue, from its presence in the Garden of Gethsemane.
    • B. Life restoration, believed to have grown in the Garden of the Tomb.
    • C. Hope and life, blooming in spring.
    • D. Purity, hope, and renewal, with its white color symbolizing light and purity.

4 questions on the life and teachings of Jesus

Exploring the life and teachings of Jesus Christ offers us a window into the heart of the Easter message.

His words and actions, chronicled in the Gospels, lay the foundation for the Christian faith, emphasizing love, forgiveness, and the promise of resurrection.

These 4 questions invite you to reflect on key moments and teachings from Jesus’ life, including a deeper look into a specific passage, to understand the profound impact of His ministry:

  1. During Jesus’ trial, which figure famously asked Him, “What is truth?” showcasing the philosophical and moral dilemmas of the time?
    • A. King Herod
    • B. Pontius Pilate
    • C. Caiaphas the High Priest
    • D. Judas Iscariot
  2. Reflect on Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane. How does this moment illustrate His humanity and submission to God’s will? (Mark 14:36)
    • A. Jesus shows fear and asks God for strength.
    • B. Jesus expresses anger and questions God’s plan.
    • C. Jesus asks if the cup (His suffering) can be taken from Him, yet he submits to God’s will, saying, “Not what I will, but what you will.”
    • D. Jesus promises to lead His disciples without fear.
  3. In Jesus’ parable of the Sower, what does the seed falling on the rocky ground represent?
    • A. The resilience of faith
    • B. The dangers of wealth
    • C. Those who hear the word but fall away when troubles come
    • D. The growth of the kingdom of God
  4. Which of the following miracles is attributed only to Jesus in all four Gospels, underscoring its significance?
    • A. Turning water into wine
    • B. Healing of ten lepers
    • C. Feeding the 5,000
    • D. Walking on water

5 questions about key events in the New Testament

How are you holding up so far? Ready to dive even deeper?

The New Testament is a treasure trove of pivotal events that have shaped the course of history and the bedrock of the Christian faith.

From miraculous deeds to profound teachings and heart-wrenching sacrifices, these stories offer a glimpse into the essence of what it means to believe.

Let’s test your understanding of these key events with 5 questions that might just surprise you with their complexity:

  1. Which event marks the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry and signifies His readiness to embark on His mission?
    • A. His baptism by John the Baptist
    • B. The wedding at Cana
    • C. His temptation in the wilderness
    • D. The Sermon on the Mount
  2. The Transfiguration of Jesus is a moment of divine revelation. Who appeared alongside Jesus during this pivotal event?
    • A. Moses and Elijah
    • B. Abraham and Isaac
    • C. David and Solomon
    • D. Peter and Paul
  3. In Acts, the Holy Spirit descends upon the Apostles during Pentecost. What unique ability were they granted that signified the birth of the Church?
    • A. The power to heal
    • B. The ability to speak in different tongues (languages)
    • C. The gift of prophecy
    • D. The power to walk on water
  4. Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus is a cornerstone event for Christianity. What was Paul’s mission at the time of his divine encounter?
    • A. To spread the teachings of Jesus
    • B. To meditate in the desert
    • C. To persecute Christians
    • D. To attend a religious festival
  5. The Council of Jerusalem, depicted in Acts, addressed a pivotal question in early Christianity. What was the main issue debated at this council?
    • A. The observance of the Sabbath
    • B. The necessity of circumcision for Gentile converts
    • C. The acceptance of Roman authority
    • D. The divinity of Jesus

5 questions on prophets and prophecies

Prophets and their prophecies have always been a cornerstone of biblical teachings, offering insights, warnings, and hope. Their words echo through time, shaping faith and guiding the faithful.

Among these profound narratives, how well can you distinguish between the messages and their messengers?

Here’s your chance to prove your prowess with a set of 5 questions that shine a light on the prophetic voices of the Bible:

  1. Who is the prophet known for his confrontation with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel?
    • A. Isaiah
    • B. Elijah
    • C. Jeremiah
    • D. Ezekiel
  2. Which prophet interpreted dreams for a king and had visions of the end times?
    • A. Daniel
    • B. Nathan
    • C. Samuel
    • D. Amos
  3. “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given…” is a famous prophecy attributed to which prophet, foretelling the coming of Jesus?
    • A. Micah
    • B. Isaiah
    • C. Hosea
    • D. Zechariah
  4. Ezekiel’s vision of dry bones coming to life is symbolic of what?
    • A. The resurrection of the dead at the end of times
    • B. The restoration of Israel after exile
    • C. The final judgment
    • D. The creation of man
  5. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” is a powerful expression of Jesus’ suffering on the cross. This quote fulfills a prophecy from which Old Testament book? (Mark 15:34)
    • A. Isaiah
    • B. Psalms
    • C. Jeremiah
    • D. Daniel

4 questions on parables and miracles

Alright, let’s switch gears!

Jesus’ parables and miracles are some of the most compelling elements of the New Testament, teaching profound truths through simple stories and awe-inspiring acts.

How closely have you been paying attention to these transformative moments?

Test your knowledge with these 4 questions and discover the deeper meanings behind these miraculous events:

  1. Which parable teaches the importance of being prepared, through the story of ten bridesmaids, five of whom were wise and five were foolish?
    • A. The Parable of the Talents
    • B. The Parable of the Mustard Seed
    • C. The Parable of the Lost Sheep
    • D. The Parable of the Ten Virgins
  2. Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding in Cana. What did he turn into wine?
    • A. Water
    • B. Milk
    • C. Vinegar
    • D. Olive oil
  3. In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, who is NOT one of the characters that passed by the injured man before the Samaritan helped him?
    • A. A priest
    • B. A Levite
    • C. A merchant
    • D. A Samaritan
  4. Which miracle involves Jesus feeding a multitude with just a few loaves of bread and fish?
    • A. Feeding of the 4000
    • B. Feeding of the 5000
    • C. The Last Supper
    • D. Breakfast on the Beach

3 questions on apostles and early Christians

And now, for our final stretch, we delve into the lives and legacies of those who walked closest with Jesus: the apostles and the early Christians.

Their stories of faith, perseverance, and the spread of the Gospel are as inspiring as they are foundational to Christianity.

How well do you know the pillars upon which the early Church was built? Let’s find out:

  1. Who was the apostle known as the “rock” upon which Jesus said He would build His church?
    • A. John
    • B. James
    • C. Peter
    • D. Paul
  2. Which apostle is credited with writing the majority of the New Testament letters?
    • A. John
    • B. Peter
    • C. James
    • D. Paul
  3. The Council of Jerusalem decided that Gentile converts to Christianity did not need to follow what Jewish custom?
    • A. Sabbath observance
    • B. Dietary laws
    • C. Circumcision
    • D. Temple worship

Quiz answers and reflections

Curious to see how well you did?

It’s time to reveal the answers and maybe learn a few surprising facts along the way.

Click here to uncover the answers to our quiz with their detailed explanations.

Whether you aced it or found some questions challenging, there’s always more to explore and understand.

So, don’t worry about the score — every question you explored is a step closer to a deeper understanding and connection with your faith.

Keep that curiosity burning bright, and let it lead you to even more profound discoveries in your spiritual journey!

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Mikkel Andrews

Mikkel Andrews

I'm Mikkel Andrews a theology professor currently based in Philippines. I've been walking with Christ ever since I can remember. My life's work is about understanding His teachings and sharing that knowledge. You'll often find me involved in community outreach or curled up with a book on theology, always looking to deepen my faith. When I'm not volunteering or diving into the latest theological texts, I'm writing for Bible Scripture to make spirituality relatable.

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