Bible quiz: 35 questions to test your knowledge of Genesis (with answer

Bible Quiz

Curious about how much you really know about the start of it all in Genesis?

We all know that this book isn’t just the beginning of the Bible — it’s where our deepest stories about beginnings, challenges, and promises are first told.

This week, I’ve put together 35 questions to spark your curiosity and test your knowledge of these timeless tales.

Whether you’ve read Genesis a hundred times or are just getting acquainted with its stories, this quiz is for you.

Get ready to challenge yourself and maybe even see Genesis in a new light!

7 questions on the Creation and the Fall

Let’s start our Genesis quiz with a deep dive into the very beginning — where everything we know started.

This first chapter sets the stage for all that comes next, from the splendor of the world’s birth to the complexity of the first choices made by humanity.

How well do you recall the details of these foundational events?

Here are 7 questions to test your knowledge of the Creation and the Fall:

  1. What marked the very beginning of creation?
    • A. Light and darkness
    • B. The heavens and the earth
    • C. Water
    • D. The sun and the moon
  2. On which day did God create humans?
    • A. Third day
    • B. Fifth day
    • C. Sixth day
    • D. Seventh day
  3. Eve was made from what part of Adam?
    • A. His shadow
    • B. A rib
    • C. Dust
    • D. His breath
  4. Which fruit did God specifically instruct Adam and Eve not to eat?
    • A. Apple
    • B. Fig
    • C. Pomegranate
    • D. The Bible doesn’t specify
  5. Who did God speak to first after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit?
    • A. Adam
    • B. Eve
    • C. The serpent
    • D. They spoke to God first
  6. What was the sign of the covenant God made with Noah and his descendants after the flood?
    • A. A dove
    • B. A rainbow
    • C. Olive branch
    • D. Clear skies
  7. After Adam and Eve sinned, what did God make for them?
    • A. A new home outside the Garden
    • B. Clothes from animal skins
    • C. A promise of redemption
    • D. A gate to keep them out of Eden

8 questions on the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob

In the book of Genesis, we encounter the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

These figures are not just characters in ancient stories. They’re the pillars upon which faiths are built, embodying lessons of faith, sacrifice, and promise that resonate through generations.

Ready to challenge your understanding of these foundational patriarchs?

Here are 8 questions that delve deeper into their lives and legacies:

  1. What was Abraham’s name before God changed it?
    • A. Abram
    • B. Abiram
    • C. Abner
    • D. Able
  2. To whom did God say, “Do not lay a hand on the boy”?
    • A. Abraham, regarding Isaac
    • B. Isaac, regarding Jacob
    • C. Jacob, regarding Joseph
    • D. Laban, regarding Jacob
  3. What significant action did Isaac take that mirrored an action taken by his father Abraham?
    • A. He dug wells in the same place as Abraham.
    • B. He moved to Egypt to escape famine.
    • C. He built an altar at Mount Moriah.
    • D. He renamed his son, much like his name was changed.
  4. Jacob had 12 sons. Which son did he believe was dead, causing him great sorrow?
    • A. Judah
    • B. Levi
    • C. Benjamin
    • D. Joseph
  5. Esau sold his birthright for what?
    • A. A piece of land
    • B. A bowl of stew
    • C. Thirty pieces of silver
    • D. A flock of sheep
  6. Which of the following was not a promise God made to Abraham?
    • A. His descendants would be as numerous as the stars.
    • B. He would be the father of many nations.
    • C. His descendants would inherit the land of Egypt.
    • D. All nations on earth would be blessed through him.
  7. Jacob wrestled with an angel and his name was changed to what?
    • A. Israel
    • B. Ismael
    • C. Isaac
    • D. Ishmael
  8. Referencing Genesis 22:1-18, discuss the significance of God testing Abraham’s faith by asking him to sacrifice his son. How does this event encapsulate the themes of faith and obedience within the patriarchal narrative?
    • A. It demonstrates Abraham’s faith in God’s promises, even when asked to sacrifice his son, highlighting the depth of obedience and trust in God’s plan.
    • B. It symbolizes the ultimate test of loyalty, with Abraham choosing familial love over divine command, thus failing the test.
    • C. It represents a common ancient practice, not necessarily linked to faith or obedience but to cultural norms of the time.
    • D. It underscores the theme of sacrifice within the family, suggesting that leadership and legacy come at personal cost.

6 questions on Joseph’s journey and his dreams

How’s the journey through Genesis treating you so far?

Next, let’s shift our focus to Joseph — a young dreamer whose path from the pit to the pinnacle of Egyptian power is as dramatic as it is inspiring.

His story is about perseverance, wisdom, and the incredible ways in which faith can guide us through life’s darkest moments to its highest peaks.

As you dive into these 6 questions, consider the depth of Joseph’s character, the significance of his dreams, and the impact of his actions on the future of Israel.

  1. What were the contents of Joseph’s first dream that angered his brothers?
    • A. Stars bowing down to him
    • B. Sheaves of grain bowing down to his sheaf
    • C. A crown placed upon his head
    • D. A chariot of fire lifting him above his family
  2. How did Joseph end up in Egypt?
    • A. He was taken by a caravan of Ishmaelites.
    • B. He traveled there to escape his brothers’ jealousy.
    • C. He was sent by Jacob to study with scholars.
    • D. He was kidnapped by Egyptian soldiers during a raid.
  3. Which of Pharaoh’s officials did Joseph interpret dreams for while in prison?
    • A. The chief baker and the chief cupbearer
    • B. The chief guard and the chief steward
    • C. The queen’s maidservant and the chief shepherd
    • D. The royal architect and the chief scribe
  4. What did Joseph say Pharaoh’s dreams predicted?
    • A. Seven years of war followed by seven years of peace
    • B. Seven years of prosperity followed by seven years of famine
    • C. The rise of a powerful enemy against Egypt
    • D. The discovery of great treasure beneath the Nile
  5. How did Joseph ensure Egypt’s survival during the famine?
    • A. By negotiating treaties with neighboring nations
    • B. By inventing a new form of irrigation
    • C. By storing surplus grain during the seven years of plenty
    • D. By leading a migration to more fertile lands
  6. In reconciling with his brothers, Joseph attributed the events of his life to what?
    • A. Fate and the alignment of the stars
    • B. The evil intentions of his brothers
    • C. God’s plan to save his family from famine
    • D. His own cunning and intelligence

7 questions on Genesis’ key themes

We’ve journeyed through the tales of creation, walked alongside patriarchs, and followed Joseph’s remarkable path. But what about the underlying messages woven through these narratives?

Genesis isn’t just a collection of stories. It presents various themes that speak to the human condition, divine interaction, and the complexities of faith and morality.

Now, let’s dive into the essence of Genesis. Pay close attention, as we’re not just recalling facts but interpreting the profound messages behind them.

  1. What theme is highlighted by God’s promise to Abraham about his descendants becoming a great nation?
    • A. The importance of obedience
    • B. The challenge of leadership
    • C. The power of faith
    • D. The complexity of human relationships
  2. The story of Cain and Abel primarily explores the theme of:
    • A. Jealousy and its consequences
    • B. The agricultural versus nomadic lifestyles
    • C. Brotherly love
    • D. The development of civilization
  3. How does the Tower of Babel story reflect the theme of human ambition vs. divine will?
    • A. It shows the dangers of pride and the desire for fame.
    • B. It emphasizes the importance of unity in human society.
    • C. It illustrates the advancements in human technology.
    • D. It underlines the benefits of diverse languages and cultures.
  4. “Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.'” This quote underscores the theme of:
    • A. Companionship and partnership
    • B. The roles of men and women
    • C. The challenges of solitude
    • D. The process of creation
  5. The recurring theme of sibling rivalry (Cain and Abel, Isaac and Ishmael, Jacob and Esau) serves to illustrate:
    • A. The inevitable conflict within families
    • B. The complexities of inheritance and blessing
    • C. The importance of reconciliation
    • D. The diversity of human character
  6. Joseph’s story, from his initial dreams to his rise in Egypt, highlights the theme of:
    • A. Revenge and its consequences
    • B. Dreams as divine communication
    • C. The virtues of patience and perseverance
    • D. The inevitability of destiny
  7. The narrative of Adam and Eve’s expulsion from Eden primarily conveys the theme of:
    • A. Innocence versus knowledge
    • B. The importance of obedience to God
    • C. The origin of human suffering
    • D. The complexity of moral choices

Genesis trivia: 7 questions on places, names, and firsts

We’ve reached the final stretch of our Genesis quiz, where we test your recall of the unique details that bring color to its pages.

In this section, we’ll dive into the trivia of places, names, and notable firsts.

Ready for one last challenge?

  1. Where did God place Adam and Eve to live?
    • A. The Garden of Eden
    • B. The land of Nod
    • C. The city of Enoch
    • D. The plains of Mamre
  2. What is the name of the first city mentioned in Genesis?
    • A. Babel
    • B. Ur
    • C. Enoch
    • D. Haran
  3. Who is the first person to die in Genesis?
    • A. Abel
    • B. Adam
    • C. Cain
    • D. Seth
  4. What is the first recorded dream in the Bible?
    • A. Pharaoh’s dream interpreted by Joseph
    • B. Abimelech’s dream about Sarah
    • C. Jacob’s ladder
    • D. Joseph’s sheaves of wheat
  5. Which river is not mentioned in the description of Eden’s location?
    • A. Pishon
    • B. Gihon
    • C. Tigris
    • D. Nile
  6. Who was the first person to build an altar to the Lord?
    • A. Noah
    • B. Abraham
    • C. Cain
    • D. Seth
  7. What was the first thing Noah did when he exited the ark?
    • A. Planted a vineyard
    • B. Built an altar to the Lord
    • C. Named the animals
    • D. Looked for other survivors

Quiz answers and reflections

How well do you know the finer details of the book that starts it all?

The answers to our Genesis quiz, complete with explanations, are just a click away. Discover how much you truly know and maybe learn something new along the way.

Find out the answers and dive deeper here.

Remember, every question you’ve explored is a step towards a deeper understanding of Genesis.

Whether you aced the quiz or encountered some surprises, your journey through these ancient texts is a testament to your commitment to growth and curiosity.

Keep seeking, questioning, and growing in your faith journey. You’re on a path of meaningful discovery!

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Mikkel Andrews

Mikkel Andrews

I'm Mikkel Andrews a theology professor currently based in Philippines. I've been walking with Christ ever since I can remember. My life's work is about understanding His teachings and sharing that knowledge. You'll often find me involved in community outreach or curled up with a book on theology, always looking to deepen my faith. When I'm not volunteering or diving into the latest theological texts, I'm writing for Bible Scripture to make spirituality relatable.

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